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obrazok Slovak Paradise
Publikované: Utorok, 14.04. 2015 - 09:09:38 Od: Robert
Z došlej poštySlovak paradiseThe Slovak Paradise is a magnificience part of Slovakia. In 1964, the Slovak Paradise has been declared a protected country area and in 1988 as a national park.

Romantic name of this area in tourist literature known from 1921. But as a ,, paradise,, it was appreciated already at the end of the 13th century, when the monastery of the strict order of the Carthusians was founded. Almost all territory of the national park, about 92%, is forrested.One of the most visited points of Slovakia is located on the south of region Spiš.

It is multi-ethnical area and represents a picture of conjuctions of Slovaks, Poles, Hungarians, Russniaks, Germans, Jews and Roma. Here are dominating High Tatras on the northwest. Levočšké vrchy on the northeast, the Low Tatras on the west, Muránska planina plateau on the southwest and Volovské vrchy on the south and southwest. Attractive lands are created by the karst plateaus, gorges, canyons, caverns revealing the tracks of primeval settlements.

Gorges with sparkling of waterffals is bringing breathtaking experience to everyone. Skilled hiker can explore the gorges Zejmarská roklina, Suchá Belá, Piecky, Veľký Sokol, Malý Kyseľ, Veľký Kyseľ, the valley Sokolia dolina. From more than 350 caverns is the largest the ice one, Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa, open for tourists. This unigue locality is from 2000 registered in U.N.E.S.C.O. Botanical and zoological areas here are classified as the national natural and natural reservation.

Explore the beatiful country-side in surrounding of Slovak Paradise!

Poznámka: Some Photos of the Slovak Paradise: April 2010 2009 April 2012 2011 2014 ...
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· Hľadaj v téme Z došlej pošty
· Hľadaj v článkoch od autora: Robert

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